Monday 9 November 2009

Andrew and Davina came to visit - at last!

Davina, Andrew and James on the bridge at Belcasel

Me, Andrew and Davina in the Braz enjoying Sunday lunch

Davina and Andrew taking a break from llamapoo mucking out!!

Andrew and Davina in the rain!!! yes it does that sometimes, on Roc D'anglar

Andrew, Davina, James and Coco overlooking Saint Antonin

Tuesday 3 November 2009

N&B&S walking in the BOSC

I love you

One man and his dog

Harman family taking a rest

J with Becca, Sophie and Cachou

James and his other girl

Harman Family Visit 31 Oct 09

J helping out with the difficult grassy parts - with dogs!!

J&Nick resting after slaving over a hot mixer

New flower bed!! now await flowers

Working hard at the double dig

Scary pumpkin