Saturday 24 March 2012


 Apricot blossom and Carpenter bee
Toads spawning, if you look below the males right hind toe you can see two black laces in the water - they are the double strand of eggs. There are also loads of tiny tadpoles in that plant from two weeks ago!
Dodgy photo(shop)!

What is this? a bee or a wasp?

Wednesday 21 March 2012

More Rome pictures

The sad Scots! With Karen outside our hotel

 The start outside the Colosseum

Karen at 5k

The spectator at 5k in St Pauls Basilica

Rome Marathon/Visit 2012

Picking up my BIB number


Outside our hotel

Vatican City

Vatican fountain

Font, tempted to dip my feet in...!

St Peter's

After walking up 500+ stairs, we're at the top

The Big Day....John (from Sheffield) and me

Me, Elizabeth and Sharon having a well deserved drink after the epic day
J at the Palatino with Il Vittoriano in the background

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Bring out the lions....such an amazing  place
Middle of the Colosseum
What else would you eat?
And we will go back
A wonderful view
Ponte Sant'Angelo and fort

Monday 5 March 2012

Caussade 11km

Karen & Mimi at the start, with Kev and Tilly

and She's offffff

Last KM and digging in deep (the people going the other way are doing the 1/2 marathon and have been round the Start and going back along the route)

Coming up to the finish line

and it's all over......2 mins quicker than last year...1.01.58 yippee.  No pressure to get under the hour next year then????